Join our FREE Xenia study group, graciously hosted by Greene County Public Library!

Esme’s Study Group meets for two hours on the first Wednesday of even-numbered months (February, April, June, August, October, December) starting at 5:30pm. 

Participants will learn a new spread and enjoy an exercise, game or activity to strengthen their intuitive and card reading skills. Have fun exchanging readings and socializing in a low-pressure environment where we are all trying to improve our skills. You might even win a tarot deck, book or other fabulous prize! 

Sessions are self-contained so you can drop in whenever they fit your schedule. There is no cost to join, but registration is required.

*Note that while the Xenia Library meeting room is under renovation, this program will meet at the REACH Location at 334 S. Progress Drive, Xenia OH 45385.

Questions? Reach out to